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osya asoy ucul gaol

lets read my blog beybehhh!!

award pertama osyaasoy.. hahay..  

Rabu, 11 Februari 2009

1. each blogger must post this rules
2. each blogger starts with ten random facts/habit about themselves
3. blogger that are tagged need write about their own blog their ten things and post these rules . you need to choose ten people to get tagged and list their names .
4. don`t forget to live them comment telling them they`ve been tagged and to read your blog .

yes dapet lagi !!
gw dapet award euy. award ka hiji gitu loch! hahay. dapert dari mey mey si onyet! hunun pisund nyakk. heheuy . |aku senang.. aq senang... =)|
walau pun rules bikin sedih.. sedih karna gw ga ngerti arti nya maksud gw tehh... huahahaha.. pokok na nu mere award ieu asup surga.. hahay..


my random habbits are :

  1. i smile every five minute
  2. i can sleep at 3 pm
  3. i like comedy and action movie . such as god of gambler or whatever.
  4. i am scared of frog, except kecebong.
  5. i love the animal called cat! i love it very much. |but my cat has already go to heaven! damn!|
  6. i really hate of hypocrite.
  7. i hate my enemy. like my gypocrite.
  8. my favorite song is alone at last - mainsteam of love. and close head also.
  9. i like to eat some bananas . thats why my friends call me monkey. hahay..
  10. i hate if i cant play with my friends in one day full.

nyang di tag

1. sal

2. lisz

3. reni

4. kriss

5. meymey

6. molen

7. yuni

8. tress

9. cinonk

10. =mamimumemo=

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